
What is blocking you to register for a FREE personal account at British School Portal?

Post Date: 2021-12-11

We wish all parents could benefit from using our platform on the UK school searching for free, but we noticed that there are some reasons blocking parents to do so.

The most common one is inputting an incorrect email address by a typo. In case you don't receive a verification email within 5 minutes, please try to register a personal account again. 

- If you input a correct email this time, you should receive the verification email shortly. 

- If the platform displays this message: "This email address is already registered with us". This means that we have your email address in the system, and now please go to the junk mailbox to locate the verification email.

- If you still not yet got the verification email after these 2 steps. Please report this Error to us at the link below, and we can follow this issue for you ASAP.

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